Thursday, January 10, 2013

Moving forward

Well we keep making forward movement both in my businesses and with the legal drama.  When you look at all the businesses I own and run then you look at the crap on the net it just does not add up.

On several sites customers of mine at CFB have started chiming in for the GOOD.  Its nice to see and it encourages all of us so thanks.

Cyber stalking is very strange to me, I don't understand the need these people have to hurt me.  One Lady has been stalking me since 2003.  It turns out she has posted several things and has been in contact with the other stalkers.  Apparently she served in the Marines with me, I knew her husband she was in a different unit.  They got divorced and I guess there is some jealous feelings she has.  What else could it be?  I'm still married now 14 years!  I have 5 awesome daughters and I make money.

But still to be tracking my movements on the internet for nearly 11 years is plain spooky.  America I am not a high roller or some loud mouth bragging sort of guy.  This blog is a mix of my current life, the drama and my business.  I have to tell you about the positives so you can see the crap is all lies.

I run a million dollar company that's not something to be ashamed of.  I worked hard and I started it with 5k bucks.  I also run Ice Cream Parlors, I have owned franchise locations, I own a auto shop and more.  Many of my friends own 2-4 franchise locations, businesses, etc.

I am dealing with two types of people on the net.

1. The first person is crazy in my opinion and they stalk me in order to hurt me.  They want money and they want me to be out of business.  Some of this group is just jealous and they don't like me being successful.

2.  The second group is all about the money!  They have done business with me and they saw a chance to cash in.  So they start by saying " You cheat others and you cheated me"????  Who have I ever cheated?  NO.  They read it on line.  They don't feel cheated they want money.  They start by requesting a check or something worth money like a new stove or sink in there trailer for free.  I don't know about you but if someone scammed me the last thing I would do is take my trailer or truck back to them!

I just tell them NO.  You have a contract and you did not pay for a grill, therefore you are not getting one.  Then they make threats and again I say no.  Then they post lies about me.  Often saying well I'll hurt your business.  This is like giving into terrorist OK.  You just cannot do it.  Yeah they might blow something up, but for the long term goal you cannot give into them.  It becomes a none stop thing.

So that's the two groups I am dealing with.  Very soon the second group in my opinion becomes crazy.

The stuff they do most normal people would never do.  Its just not right on any level.

Zach Singleton

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