Wednesday, January 2, 2013


The Stalkers post that I'm on the run?  Or fleeing an area?  Not true. 

I have lived in 4 states my entire life.  1. Alaska I was born in GA but my family moved to Alaska when I was a baby.  I was raised in that state and still go there on vacations!  2.  NC I myself was a US Marine and was stationed there.  3.  I moved to Colorado and lived there for four years.  4.  I moved back to GA where all my family lives, grand parents, parents, sisters, etc.  I have lived in GA for 4 years.

In GA I have moved a couple times.  But it's only because the cyber stalkers get a hold of my address and threaten to come to my home when I'm at work.  I have a stay at home wife and 5 daughters.  Basic security tells me when my home is not safe I need to move.  I don't bounce from trailer to trailer or on the run.  I live in nice homes and in nice areas.  My girls are well rounded and my wife is great! 

Its hard and its costly.  Each move cost me a bunch of money and time and stress.  This is what the stalkers want.  Each home is equipped with a high tech security system, Video cameras, motion detectors, drive way chimes, etc.  I am not new to security being a Marine it comes second nature. 

Who would not move there family if some stalker was making threats? 

Zach Singleton

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