Tuesday, January 1, 2013


I do not want to come across as a cocky or arrogant sort of guy.  I do not try and live some high roller lifestyle nor do I care about such things.  I live in a nice house OK.  But I have a large family and my wife does allot of cooking, sewing, crafts with the kids etc.  I don't have 8 bathrooms in my home like some idiot posted.   I drive used SUV's one of them is 13 years old both Fords.  I do not have any credit cards, or debt.  I buy used things, and I am frugal with my money.  No flashy watches, or pinky rings :)  Just a average guy that works very hard.  I am blessed and I do my best to help others around me.  The lord tells me not to brag about helping those in need.  But I can tell you my family and businesses give.  People in our community get meals, Christmas presents, housing, etc.  I am not a greedy person and I don't build and create businesses and money because I want more.  I do it because I love business, building and creating.  It has nothing to do with money.  Whether I make 100k or 3 million this year my lifestyle will not change.  We go camping, hiking, cheap outdoors style vacations.  You will not see me at some penthouse in Vegas or otherwise.  My last vacation was a 2 week camping trip to MT.  We ate beans and franks, went hiking, I fished :) and we stopped off at all the FREE tourist spots to share with the girls the rich history of the west.  I drove to save money and camped in my used camper.  I am so tired of reading the crap about me and my family.  These people do not even know me!  Its just bull.  These people need a new hobby. For anyone to try and say my family is some silver spoon pish posh bunch clearly does not know us.  I make money I will not stand here and say I don't.  But my girls are raised to climb trees and swim  in the creek not some fancy pool! 

I have tried to cram a bunch of info in a few short posts.  The truth is it will take a long while to truly express the heartache and pain these people have caused me and others.  I say others because there is no doubt people out there that in some fashion has been hurt.  Whether it's a worker who lost his job when a business I owned failed.  Or a vendor losing an account or even someone losing money.  I just want people to understand why.  I never wanted to lose a business or watch on of my companies literally be shut down because of the liable and slanderous remarks these stalkers made.  That's why I am taking a stand now.

I need closure with this and I need these people to leave me and my family alone.  That's what this is all about.  These people talk about my wife and they have never even met her or me for that manner.  My wife is a stay at home mom not in any way does she handle anything in any of my businesses.  She gets free Ice Cream :)

Its just mean spirited thats all.  I just read a Post by Frank Mannix, he posted it today I guess.  He starts off in third person then changes over to reality!  That's crazy to talk about yourself in third person then change it 3 lines later right?  He claims my attorney is a weak man.  America.  I am not going to fight with Frank the man is not playing with a full deck.  He also claims I have no suit filed?  OK- one time-  Go to my post law suits filed.  Then read it :)  So its very clear I am telling the truth and I am going after Frank Mannix in order to silence him.  Next- Google my attorney Russel Stookey for an example.  Does that man seem week? OK point made again.  Third- Frank says he has a 75k judgment??????   He has been saying this for 7 years!  The problem is he probably hand wrote it with a crayon and danced around it.  Being nuts is not enough to collect.  You actually need a court judgement.  Last but not least.  Frank Mannix Claims he is an attorney??  He's not, he does not have a law firm, nor has he ever been an attorney.  The TRUTH-  He took a $125.00 legal course in regards to money management (Every entry level money manager does this)  So Frank once again took out is crayon and wrote himself a degree.

  I personally do not care about Frank or his imagination.  I just wish he was writing Science fiction novels about green men verses messing with me and my family.  That's fair right?  Just leave me alone and if you cannot deal with the legal ramifications by real attorneys in real court rooms.

America people make mistakes and we should forgive them.  But what do you do with a guy like this?  He just will not stop.  I'll bet he will break the restraining order within 10 days of it being on the court docs.  We have all seen the investigation channel about the stalker who would not stop.  Its scary and I'm living it right now.

I have not voiced anything in years about this.  I wanted to start this blog just to have a way to vent and tell my side.  Honestly and correctly.  

I hope everyone had a good new years and I encourage all of you to pray for our country as we move into a new year.

A few people who are doing business with me are posting positive things and you can quickly tell Frank wants nothing to do with it.  I have allot of customers going to start posting also, so we'll see.

America, France and Germany GOOD night.

  Why France and Germany- Well its pretty neat the google tracker shows several hits on this blog from those two countries.  Fairly interesting. 

Zach Singleton

PS- My Girls call this my Gentleman's suit  :)  Its old fashion talk

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